Artist Alley Rules and Regulations

Images and Events, Inc. is the responsible party that is promoting and organizing the Washington State Summer Con.  The “event” is from Friday, June 20 through June 22, 2025. Any questions about these rules and regulations can be made to  

Any person applying for Artist Alley must agree to and acknowledge the standard Vendor Rules and Regulations.
Click Here to read those.

Additionally, any person applying for Artist Alley must agree to and acknowledge the Artist Alley Rules and Regulations below:

Statement on AI:
The Washington State Summer Con will continue to support original art and the creators of original art.  We will be prohibiting the sale of AI-generated artwork created using sourced content that the seller does not hold legal rights to at our events.

Artist Alley Overview

The Artist Alley at the Washington State Summer Con is a special area that has been set aside and curated for artists, writers, and small publishers. The area has a limited number of spaces.

There will be a high volume of interest in the Artist Alley Booths, and we will not be able to approve the application for every artist who applies for the Artist Alley. If you are not accepted, you will be waitlisted and might still have a chance for a table.

All applications will be jury reviewed, considered, and scored via a standard rubric factoring the artist’s craft, creativity, execution, appeal to Summer Con attendees, social media influence, successful past participation, and previous efforts of promotion. Our jury process allows us to curate an Artist Alley that has a selection that is varied, meaningful, inspiring, and exciting for attendees while also being balanced and profitable for the artists. All decisions made by the jury will be final.

Booth Details

One full Artist Alley Booth will be 10 feet wide and 6 feet deep. It will include one 8-foot by 30-inch skirted table, one chair, and one Artist badge. A Premium Booth on the corner includes the same contents and features.

Booth Displays

  • All set-ups and/or displays must not interfere with neighboring tables to either side or behind the Artist’s table. Any and all set-ups or displays may not block any of the aisles. Displays are permitted up to a maximum of 8’. Wireframes are permitted but must be stable and secure.
  • An Artist’s display may not extend beyond the front or sides of the table, and cannot extend more than 3 feet behind the table. Booths will back up to another artist, so please be courteous. There will not be any pipe or drape separating the tables.
  • The skirted table must remain parallel to the aisle with the skirt facing out.
  • Due to space limitations, only two individuals are allowed behind each artist’s table at any time. Only those persons wearing an Artist badge will be allowed to sit behind the table. If you have a helper, your helper must have an Artist badge.
  • Third Parties selling art is considered “proxy selling”. Selling by proxy is not permitted in Artist Alley or in Vendor Booths at the Washington State Summer Con.
  • Table sharing between individual artists is not allowed. Artist Alley Booths are non-transferable.
  • Artists are expected to maintain a presence at their assigned booth during show hours.

Any artist who is found to be in violation of this policy will be removed from the Artist Alley with no refunds. No exceptions will be made unless permission is granted by the Washington State Summer Con in writing prior to the show.